Get On Board!

Jackson County Arts Council
JCAC Board Members

Are you passionate about the Arts? Do you live or work in Jackson County and want to become more involved in the growth of the arts and artists in Jackson County? 

The JCAC Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization – primarily ensuring financial health and providing strategic direction.

The JCAC Board works in partnership with the JCAC staff to ensure that the organization’s culture, practices, and relationships align with the values, mission, and vision we set forth


The Board of Directors of JCAC, shall frame the issues and think creatively of opportunities and  challenges to be met for the Council to be an exemplary countywide nonprofit support  organization. 

The legal duties and responsibilities of the Board Members are generally outlined in the JCAC Bylaws. Each Board Member should be conversant, and compliant, with the Bylaws and its  contents. 

Most fundamentally, each Director has a duty of loyalty and a duty of care. The following  provisions list many of the specific responsibilities and actions required to meet those legal and  ethical duties, and effectively govern the organization. 



  1. Adopt, and regularly review, JCAC’s Mission and Vision statements, and review performance in achieving them. 
  2. Adopt, and regularly review, JCAC’s Statement of Ethics and Values, and monitor the  organization’s performance in accordance with those principles. 
  3. Adopt, and regularly review, broad written policies reflecting the Mission and Values of  the organization, within which the President is authorized to manage the organization and  to develop and implement operational plans to carry out the Mission. 
  4. Regularly assess the environment for the nonprofit sector, and develop, in partnership  with the President, strategies to be responsive. 
  5. Serve as a model for North Carolina nonprofits in regard to best practices in governance. 
  6. Hire, monitor, appraise, advise, stimulate, support, reward, and, if deemed necessary or desirable, replace the Office Administrator. 
  7. Ensure that management succession is properly planned. 
  8. Meet as a Board monthly. Focus on “what matters most,” and apply the knowledge and  experience of individual Board members to the major challenges facing the organization. 
  9. Establish Committee structure; adopt, and regularly review, Committee duties. 
  10. Annually review and approve the Executive Committee’s performance review of the Office Administrator, and establish compensation based on recommendations of the  Executive Committee. 
  11. Ensure that the organizational strength and employee base can sustain the Mission and  achieve long-range goals.
  12. Propose prospective board members and fill vacancies as needed. Ensure adequate orientation of new members. Ensure adoption and adequacy of Board leadership  succession plan. 
  13. Periodically conduct self-review of Board performance (including its composition,  organization, and responsibilities) and take steps to improve its performance.
  14. Ensure that JCAC has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflicts of  interest throughout the organization and is diligent in its administration and enforcement  of those policies. 
  15. Review compliance with relevant material laws affecting JCAC and its programs and  operations. 


  1. Ensure that JCAC’s financial structure and funding plans will adequately support its  current needs and long-range strategy. 
  2. Ensure that the Board is carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviews of monthly and annual financial statements, funding plans, budgets and financial goals. 
  3. Review results achieved compared with JCAC’s Mission, and annual and long-range  goals. Compare performance to that of other region nonprofit associations. 
  4. Approve major actions on all projects over authorized limits and major changes in  programs and services. 
  5. Ensure that the Board, its committees, members, donors, and the public are adequately  informed of the financial condition of the organization and its operations through internal  and published reports, or other appropriate method. 
  6. Ensure that published reports properly reflect the operating results and financial  condition of the organization. 
  7. Appoint independent auditors, review audit reports, and review management  letters with the President. 
  8. Ensure that adequate risk management policies are established and implemented. 


  1. Be loyal to JCAC, always exercising Board powers in the interest of JCAC, and not for  the interest of the individual Director or others
  2. Be informed about JCAC’s Mission and Vision, Operating plans, policies, and programs.  Work with the rest of the Board to review, approve and oversee JCAC’s Mission, and  review performance in achieving it. Be an avid proponent of the Mission, and inform  others about JCAC, its Mission, Vision and programs. 
  3. Ensure legal and ethical integrity, and maintain accountability and transparency to  members, funders, donors, other constituents and the general public. 
  4. Prepare for, attend, and participate actively in Board and Committee meetings, and  special events. Serve on Committees and undertake special assignments willingly and  enthusiastically when asked. Provide candid and constructive advice, comments and  criticism. Ask timely and substantive questions at Board and Committee meetings  consistent with conscience and conviction, while supporting the majority decision on  issues decided by the Board. 
  5. Make a personal, tax-deductible contribution once a year at a level reasonable to the  individual.  
  6. Be familiar with and follow conflict-of-interest policies and submit an annual Conflict of  Interest Report. 
  7. Participate in the generation and approval of policies focusing on mission, finances, and  income. Ensure that programs are consistent with the Mission. 
  8. Suggest possible nominees for election to the Board, who can make significant  contributions to the work of the Board and the organization. 
  9. Keep up to date on developments in and affecting the nonprofit sector.
  10. Provide moral and professional support, and be available as resources, to the President.  
  11. Avoid involvement in all political campaigns in the name of JCAC, unless directed by  the Board to question or present an advocacy issue on behalf of the organization to a  potential candidate. 
  12. Maintain confidentiality of the Board’s executive actions. 

To complete your application for consideration, please click HERE.