2024 – 2025 Grassroots Sub-grant Applications Now Available
The Grassroots Arts Program Sub-grant provides financial support for Jackson County community and nonprofit organizations that offer programs and projects that enhance the arts for county residents. Grassroots Sub-grants are awarded to organizations in all cultural disciplines through a competitive application and review process. The applicant organization must be based in Jackson County and produce its programming in Jackson County. Sub-grants are not awarded to support fund-raising activities. All programs and activities must be completed by June 31, 2025.
We are required to spend a set percentage of our Grassroots funding on Multicultural programming that reflects African American, Asian American, Latino, and Native American cultures. To qualify for a Grassroots Multicultural Sub-grant, the artist or presenter and the content of the art material should both belong to one of the groups listed above. Any organization can apply for multicultural funds to conduct art programs / events that meet these standards. Please fill out the regular application for multicultural funding.
Grassroots sub-grants are intended to:
- Provide modest funding for events/projects and publicity/advertising for Artist Groups/ Artist organizations that will enhance the presence of art events in Jackson County
- Support opportunities for Jackson County residents to participate in new and thought-provoking art events in MUSIC, VISUAL ART, THEATER, DANCE, and LITERATURE
- Celebrate the traditional arts and cultures of Jackson County as well as the multicultural aspect of arts in general.
Examples of typical programs funded:
- Performances
- Art exhibitions
- Artist residencies in schools
- Classes/ workshops
- Art walks / studio tours
- Festivals
- After-school arts programs / art camps
- Arts marketing including website development and research
Grassroots Sub-grants WILL NOT LIKELY FUND the following:
- Projects that request more than $1500.00
- Projects to individual artists (however, artists may be contacted by a larger overseeing body that will need their services to complete a project.)
- Religious organizations or churches may not receive Grassroots funds unless the programs are presented outside regular church services, engage the larger community, and do not contain religious content.
- Academic study.
- Any sponsorship that seeks to pay for past debts, legal fees, the purchase of real estate, moves to other cities, personal travel, or to pay for the costs of installations, commissions, or projects ordered by others.
- Sponsorship for event enhancement where the thrust of the event is for-profit
- Capital expenditures (e.g. building/space rental)
- Food or beverages for hospitality or entertainment functions
- Prizes, competitions, scholarships, tuition, or financial awards.
- If the logistics/time frame of the project changes, the Art Council must be contacted.
- All publicity must include the JCAC logo AND North Carolina Arts Council Logo AND Tagline. These can be accessed below.
- Copies of all publicity should be saved and photos and/or videos of the event/program should be made and submitted with your end-of-year report to JCAC.
- An end-of-year report for the sub-grant is due to the Jackson County Arts Council within 30 days after the completion of the event/project or by May 30th, whichever comes first.
- All performance/display venues should be ADA accessible and open to the public.
Interested organizations can apply by completing the following PDF Sub-grant Application and returning it to JCAC at 310 Keener Street, Sylva, NC 28779 or by email at info@jacksoncountyarts.org.
2024-2025 Subgrant Application
Download Application PDF
Download Application Guidelines
For more information please contact the Jackson County Arts Council at 828-507-9820 or by email at info@jacksoncountyarts.org
Jackson County Arts Council administers the Grassroots Arts Program Grant in accordance with current guidelines, policies, and requirements outlined by the North Carolina Arts Council.